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Have you ever wanted to try something new and exciting? Maybe a game where you put on a pair of roller skates and hit your friends? Then join the Jersey Shore Roller Girls and learn how to become a bonafide roller derby player! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!! All you need is a body and the desire to challenge yourself.
The first session will begin on July 7th at 7:45PM at the Jackson Skating Center. Make sure to fill out this form on our website to reserve your spot today! Not interested in skating but still want to hang out with us? We'll train you how to be a referee!
Required items to bring with you:
- Photocopy of a valid Drivers License / ID
- Mouth guard (mold at home)*
*All other gear is available to be borrowed on site
About Jersey Shore Roller Derby (JSRD)
JSRD is the Shore's longest-established, all-women, flat track roller derby league, with members coming from Central NJ and the Shore area. The league consists of approximately 40 skaters comprising two traveling teams: the JSRD All-Stars and the JSRD Beat Down. JSRD follows the guidelines and standards set forth by Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). For more information, visit us on the Web at, or on our Facebook page.
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